"What we continuously feed ourselves (not just food) we subconsciously become. "

We had the pleasure to meet with Yoga Instructor, Izabella German. Throughout, this interview Iza showed us how our mental and physical health are connected. When you have the correct mindset, you can learn and grow your ambitions and achieve better success in your healthy lifestyle. We learned that Yoga is not just about different body poses but a lifestyle you must embrace. Check out our interview below:

How did you start your fitness journey through yoga?

I like to think of yoga as more of a life journey than a fitness one. It is true that yoga promotes health and fitness, but it also encompasses many other aspects of our life such as our mental and emotional states. I always felt a certain gravitation towards these states of being as well as to feeling fit and healthy so I would say that my journey started from a young age. Finding yoga 18 years ago provided me with the platform through which I could then live this life through. 

What made you choose yoga over other practices?

Yoga just resonates with me. It is such a personal journey that never ends and there is always something more to learn no matter what stage or level of your yoga  practice you are at. 

Meditation, breathing, repetition of the asanas and the attention to the details of the poses helps me to calm down the busy mind, while building flexibility and strength, both physically and emotionally.

Actually, the way in which we practice yoga is very reflective of the way we practice life. 

Yoga helps me to be present and elevates my mood and is very good at destroying the stubborn ego! 

How many times a week do you practice yoga? Can you share with us how you plan your weekly sessions?

Yoga is a lifestyle, I practice every day and teach 5 to 9 classes a week. 

What is your greatest accomplishment in your fitness journey?

The Yoga Community I have built which is comprised of inspirational people who keep me moving forward and make my yoga practice and teaching more meaningful.

Do you think that healthy eating plays a big part of being able to practice yoga?

Food is fuel. We need it to live.

Ideally the yoga practice should be complemented with yogic “diet” rich in Sattvic (pure) and pranic (energy) foods that do us as little harm as possible. 

Sattvic foods are generally fresh vegetables, grains, legumes and mild spices. It’s a whole food, plant-based diet. But you do not need to be a vegan or vegetarian to start practicing yoga. The healthy habits and your personal ideas about what is right and wrong when it comes to food, come with practice. 

What is your opinion about healthy food? Can you share with us a favourite snack you take when you are on a hurry?

What is healthy for one person might not be healthy for another. It depends on our lifestyle and on where we are at that situation in our lives.

My personal choice is the Mindful Eating with Intermittent Fasting. I choose to eat food that is both satisfying to me and nourishing to my body. Mostly plant based food that is natural, fresh and seasonal and I avoid processed food!

My favourite snack when in a hurry - nuts with fresh or dried fruits.

Do you agree that we are what we eat?

Yes. What we continuously feed ourselves (not just food) we subconsciously become. 

 Do you enjoy a cheat meal here and there? What is your favourite treat?

Pizza and French Fries.

We would like you to send a message to our followers who are thinking to start a healthy lifestyle.

 Move. Run. Jump. Dance. Sweat. 

Start moving your body because it is energizing, detoxifying, liberating, relaxing and fun. Do it because you “want” to and because it feels damn good. Remember, our bodies are filled with energy channels, so let them flow. Namaste. 

Thank you, Izabella, for supporting balanced bites and for sharing your experience with us. We look forward to having you back soon with more questions about Yoga. Your positive vibes surely inspired our followers to start or continue through their fitness journey. 
