I eat healthy, why I am not losing weight?


If you are eating right but still not noticing any evident results, you're not alone. Fortunately, there are many factors which we can target and control if we dig in deeper why we are failing in achieving our goals.

Here are some common issues which keep us from achieving the desired weight loss.

1. You are eating too much. Although healthy food nourishes our body, there are still many types of food which are high in calories. The only rule to lose fat is if you eat around 200-300 calories less than the number of calories you burn. So, check out your portion and research about food which are high in calories to eat it in moderation.

2. You are eating too little. If you starve yourself, your body will be stuck in a plateau. Your body will go into starvation mode, meaning it burns less calories to conserve energy. This process will slow down your metabolism. Another drawback is that if you stay hungry for a long period you will crave and probably eat food which is not ideal for a balanced diet. Not to mention that hangry people are not very pleasant to be around. Eat the recommended portion for your body and try to eat every three or four hours and avoid nibbling in between snacks.

3. You may be retaining water. Try to avoid salt and sodium to reduce water retention, there will be days when you feel more bloated then usual. Drink more water! As controversial as it may seem drinking more water will help you get rid of your water retention. Try to do a 30minute high intensity workout to sweat more than usual. Don't overstress about it, your body will get rid of your retention if you use these tips.

4.You are not sleeping enough. When you don't get enough sleep, your body will crave sugary and sweet food. This could be quite a challenge if you are trying to loose weight. It is scientifically proven that an extra nap will help you loose weight. Dreaming of food is also calorie free.

5. You are under stress. People tend to find comfort in food. Typically, comfort food is not healthy food but more likely fast food and sugary snacks. In addition, cortisol, the hormone that your body releases when you’re under stress can cause your body to hang onto fat, especially the fat around the midsection that people are often trying to reduce.

Control your stress by trying to find some time for yourself daily, do something that you like to do by yourself. Read a book, go for a car drive and sing along your car radio, read a good book or simply watch your favourite sitcom.

6. Do not use food as a reward. Eat your favourite food occasionally because a balanced diet is a successful diet but do not promise yourself cookies if you walk for 40 minutes. Food is just fuel for our body to function well. We do not reward our cars extra fuel if they fit well in a parking spot, so why should you reward yourself if you fit well in a black mini dress? Eat everything in moderation, keep a treat meal for a social occasion or for a night out but never ever use food as a reward. 

Evaluate these steps and try to put more effort in your weak points, you be truly surprise how well your body reacts when given the attention needed.

Much Love,

















